
On Tuesdays

My Lot In Life

Painting to me equals genuine enjoyment! Although there are times when painting can be toilsome. Other times my work is like a jigsaw puzzle, snapping perfectly into place with ease as it comes together. As my painting takes shape, it reflects my mood becoming a part of me. As for me, I become a part of my painting, feeling the emotion of the moment.
Outdoor painting, also known as plein air, is a wonderful experience for me. The beauty of my surroundings, God’s Creations, are so stimulating to my brain, filling my mind with colors, shapes, and textures that I must touch them with my hands. The landscape moves and changes with the movement of the clouds, leaving one part of the land saturated in light and the other in deep shadow.
The freshness of the outdoor air is so exhilarating allowing  me to enjoy my surroundings. The birds along with the dancing wind in the cottonwoods is a symphony of nature’s music that delights my soul!
The warmth of the sun feels good upon my face all the while adding drama to my subject. The early morning and late evening sun casts a golden glow that only God could think of, highlighting the tops of the hills with His perfect light. I am part of my landscape; I have found fulfillment here. I am native, feeling I am simply one of God’s illustrators depicting my narrow viewpoint of His vast Creation. The NIV Bible, from the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10, imparts this wisdom: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”
I believe that my “lot in life” is to be a good wife, to toil and labor, and to enjoy life’s journey with joy in my heart. My prayer today is for The Lord to help me paint with greatness not just for my own glory, but for His Glory.

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