Some people would say, “There is more to life than cowboy boots.” Well, it just so happens that my life has a lot to do with cowboy boots, and I figured that out early in life.
It was a hot, dry panhandle day on the ranch, and my new cowhide, suede top boots were looking good on my feet. I could hardly take my eyes from the buckskin colored boots that Grandpa Brewer had given me the day before. I wore them with my favorite dress, so I could see the pretty, brown leather, cutout designs in the boot tops.
I trotted out to the corral where my older teenage sisters were busy scooping out the dirty stock-tank. Not wanting to break my new boots in by walking in the corral, I jumped up on the rail fence and took on the magpie position of listening to my older sisters conversation, which I was always interested in. Being seven years old and in the prime of my life, trying to figure out what they were up to was a favorite pastime of mine. My life was pretty easy compared to theirs. They were up at daylight getting ready for a full day’s work. They had sunburns and blisters to prove it.
On this workday, I was hanging out on the rail fence, admiring my pretty little boots, and listening to them talk. This particular summer day was like no other for me; I had a revelation in thought, that I still recall after 40 some odd years. The conversation was most interesting to me.
Barbara, being the oldest, informed Betty that she was never going to marry or have children; and she certainly was not going to live on a farm or ranch. Betty listened with interest, and added to Barbara’s wish list of wanting to live in a big city, have a maid to do all of her work, and to top it off, she was going to marry a rich man.
For some reason I thought I was part of this conversation, so I piped in, while looking down at my new buckskin suede, fancy top boots and said, “Well! When I grow up, I am going to marry a cowboy and live on a ranch.” And I did. So you see, my life has everything to do with cowboy boots.
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