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It has been many years since we enjoyed a spring with an abundance of wildflowers. Our moisture has been sadly lacking here on Mayer Ranch. Wildflowers express beauty in the simple landscapes that become grand when appreciated.
Oklahoma panhandle is host to many such rare beauties. My joy as a ranch lady is our pastures are my flower gardens. The delightful profusion of colors entertain my vision as I ride through the wild beauties. To be a firsthand witness when the dainty daisy’s make their debut, puts joy in my heart. The sandhill plum blossoms appear in early spring. The fragrance is so sweet and the blossoms so fragile. Around the middle of May through the first week of June, my husband, Jim charms me with the earliest yellow cactus rose. We have a variety of cactus roses with a hint of pink and orange in the color of the petals. [ … ]
Today I was left in charge of checking the water for the twenty month old heifers. They were lounging about in the sun soaking up the last nice warm day that we will have for a while. When I was opening the gate to walk down into their pen, they all looked my way wondering what I wanted. When I approach cattle I do not make any eye contact, because direct eye contact only seems to threaten them. So I walked through the gate with my head down being very careful to take very slow steps. The little heifers just laid there not bothering to get up. It is powerful walking through lounging cattle to where they feel at ease, it is an amazing feeling.
Gentle cattle are worth every bit of time and effort that we put into them. My son, Tyler Mayer is working to gentle down his herd [ … ]